Buy Becks Beer at wholesale price, Becks Beer Wholesale
What’s in Becks Beer?
Beck’s is a classic German-style pilsner lager. … Beck’s has over 140 years of heritage and is originally brewed in Germany according to Reinheitsgebot, the German purity law of 1516, with only 4 naturalingredients: barley, hops, yeast and water.
What is the alcohol content of Becks Beer?
TThe alcohol and calorie content for each sample are reported. In comparison to regular beer which averaged 5 percent alcohol and 43 calories per 100 ml, light and non-alcoholic beer averaged 16 and 94 percent less alcohol and 27 and 60 percentfewer calories, respectively.
What is Becks beer made of?
Brewed in Bremen, Germany, Beck’s is made in accordance with the “Reinheitsgebot,” the German Purity Law of 1516. It is brewed using only top-grade barley, hand-selected hops from the Bavarian Hallertau region, fresh glacier water and Beck’s exclusive strain of yeast that’s been cultured and cultivated for generations.
Where to buy Becks Beer at wholsale price
we do supply Becks Beer at very wholesale price based on our clients requirement. Do get back with us with your specific inquiry
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